Sunday, February 13, 2011

Keynote Video

Here is my video:

I appreciate any feedback! This is the fist time I edited a video. Technology used:
Flip Video Camera
LogTech Web Cam
LogTech microphone (USB)
JayCut (editing)


  1. Erica, I really like the video, I have forgotten to actually introduce the keynote.. duh to me. I will probably be asked to redo mine, but mine was implied and you know how that goes. I really like the research you did, it was great. The only thing is in the first part, you have the word Confidence misspelled. (Sorry)

  2. •I especially liked the dust bowl referring to motivation.

    •I am not sure about why the volume went up and down.

    •This part of the video was very successful was the part where you talk about Dr. Keller

    You might be interested in these resources

    •While watching your video, I wondered about "What motivates me to stay in education"

  3. Lou,
    Thank you for your comments. The volume was web cam to USB headset. The USB headset gave me better video quality. This is something I need to consider for the next video I make. A colleague recommended no sound at all on the videos and then add the sound as a layer when I am editing. This would make it more consistent.


  4. The video has a great mix of questions and explanations. I like your intro where you ask questions while examining a classroom and later providing examples of the various websites. You kept it interesting moving- great job.

  5. Erica,
    I liked how you introduced your keynote speaker and explained what your speaker thought about your topic. I also liked the use of questioning in the beginning. It made the video very engaging.

  6. Erica,

    Great tie in to the dust bowl. That alone was worth viewing your video. A good example of thinking outside the box to illustrate a key point.
    Other than uneven audio, my only problem was the amount of text on the first couple of slide introducing the speaker. Unfortunately, I did the same thing on my video - a lesson learned.

  7. Thank you Claude! Since this experience, I have made one other video. I found that making the text in Animoto and then pushing that as a video into JayCut make the text smoother. I also learned that my webcam microphone is HORRIBLE!

    Thanks again for the feedback.

  8. I enjoyed your video. I especially liked how you introduced the speaker and the use of questioning to get your viewers' attention.
