Thursday, January 20, 2011

Updated Storyboard

I have added in media notes.  My thought now is to use Windows Movie Maker or Jay Cut to edit together video and images.  I will also add voice to the images.  I think this would make a better video.  Thoughts are much appreciated.

Erica Ellsworth
Storyboard for Final Project
**This is not a complete nor finished storyboard.  These are my initial ideas at this point.**

Scene 1 Introduction; show picture of Sharan Merriam; Welcome attendees; introduce keynote Sharan B. Merriam; give her vitae and key books.  Relate that her keynote will discussion motivating adults in online distance education
The introduction will lead into the first real part of the presentation, placing Dr. Merriam with Dr. Knowles’ theory of andragogy.
Video of me initially; move to image of Merriam and then an image of her books.
Scene 2: video.
I will define andragogy and why Dr. Knowles’ theory is used in adult learning.
Video of me; possibility of using a whiteboard to draw a mind map of the idea of andragogy??  Get stills/movie clips to show students working at these tasks.  Start with my introduction of the concept and then move into the student images.  Reinforce the idea of andragogy with the images.
Scene 3: graphic giving the main points of Knowles
Merriam uses Knowles as a starting point but moves into focus on online and distance learning. Understanding the basics of Knowles is needed
Graphic image with a voice over.  Integrate student images as well.  Here, I need to reinforce the distance education link.  Seg from face to face classroom to computer/online learning (really rethink this image and think about the possibilities – Skype capture??)
Scene 4 show me on video
Discussion on Merriam’s theories (** information from Learning in Adulthood is needed here)
Video – shoot in a classroom???? OR continue from scene 3 to reinforce the online/distance nature of education.  Consider a mash of YouTube videos from Pink too – integrate to show that education is not just classroom so motivation  has to take that into account (??)
Scene 5 graphic summarizing Merriam’s points
Graphic with voice
I need to compare Knowles and Merriam.  I also have articles from Conrad (2002), Anderson (2011), Aragon, et al (2002), Clarke, et al (2002), McKeathen, et al (2011).

I am also still toying with the idea of Daniel Pink (Drive).  Dweck and Mindset????

Andersen, M. H. (2011). The World Is My School: Welcome to the Era of Personalized Learning. Futurist, 45(1), 12-17. Retrieved from EBSCOHost.
Aragon, S. R., Johnson, S. D., & Shaik, N. (2002). The Influence of Learning Style Preferences on Student Success in Online Versus Face-to-Face Environments. American Journal of Distance Education, 16(4), 227. Retrieved from EBSCOHost.
Clarke, J., Harrison, R., Reeve, F., & Edwards, R. (2002). Assembling Spaces: the question of 'place' in further education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 23(3), 285-297. doi:10.1080/0159630022000029786
Conrad, D. L. (2002).  Engagement, Excitement, Anxiety, and Fear: Learners' Experiences of Starting an Online Course.  American Journal of Distance Education, 16(4), 205-227.  Retrieved from EBSCOHost.
Knowles, M. S., Holton III, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2005).  The Adult Learner, Sixth Edition: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development.  Maryland Heights: Butterworth-Heinemann.
McKethan, R., Rabinowitz, E., & Kernodle, M. W. (2010). Multiple Intelligences in Virtual and Traditional Skill Instructional Learning Environments. Physical Educator, 67(3), 156-168. Retrieved from EBSCOHost.
Merriam, S. B., Caffarella, R. S., & Baumgartner, L. M. (2006).  Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide.  Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.


  1. Erica,
    I have also updated mine with more media and graphics- Your ideas look good- I like the idea for a in class video shoot. I am using similar transitions for my introduction for the speaker. My storyboard is very similar to yours as far as format. Please pay it a visit and give me some feedback as to what you think. I have seen many PowerPoint story boards and I didn't think we were to use PowerPoint for this project. I think your storyboard is right on track.

  2. Erica,
    I think that you are on point with your media ideas. I also like how you plan to integrate the Distance Learning piece. How would you include a YouTube video? Have you decided on the time limits for each scene?

  3. Sabrina,
    I have not decided on time limits. In Windows Movie Maker or JayCut, you can splice in media (movies, voice, stills) to create one video.

